Synopsis: When the Civil War continues to rage, President of Americans struggling with the ongoing slaughter on the battlefield and when he fights with many within his own cabinet on the decision to free the slaves.
Sinopsis:Ketika Perang Saudara terus mengamuk, Presiden Amerika berjuang dengan pembantaian berkelanjutan di medan perang dan ketika ia bertarung dengan banyak di dalam kabinetnya sendiri pada keputusan untuk membebaskan para budak.
- Tanggal Rilis : 16 November 2012 (USA)
- Genre : Biography | Drama | History
- Pemeran:Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field and David Strathairn
- IMDB Link :
- IMDB Rating :8.2/10
- DVDScr;600MB; mkv
- Resolution :720×304
- Source :Lincoln 2012 DVDSCR XViD AC3-FooKaS
- upgrand : Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5
- DVDScr;600MB; mkv
- Resolution :720×304
- Source :Lincoln 2012 DVDSCR XViD AC3-FooKaS
- sharebeast : Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5
- DVDScr;600MB; mkv
- Resolution :720×304
- Source :Lincoln 2012 DVDSCR XViD AC3-FooKaS
- upgrand : Single Link
- DVDScr;600MB; mkv
- Resolution :720×304
- Source :Lincoln 2012 DVDSCR XViD AC3-FooKaS
- multiupload : Single Link