Synopsis: The film Skyfall stems from the action of James Bond in a covert operation in Istanbul, Turkey accompanied by gorgeous agent, Eve (Naomi Harris). But the executable mission this time is very difficult himself, even he had to fight with his enemies. He also failed to complete his mission, he allegedly died from friendly fire by a friend of his agent.
In the film into the 23's James Bond, Daniel Craig shows maturity in acting. In the previous films, James Bond is identical as an agent of the mighty, with increasing age it does not look as tough as before, but it just makes the story more real.
Directed by Sam Mendes of course, very familiar with James Bond of characteristics. In the film he is also Skyfall eliminates typical 007 that such sophisticated devices, luxury cars and beautiful women who have always been by his side.
Filmed the estimated spending budget USD150 million, MI6 faced with a problem that threatens its integrity as a secret agent's office. They received threats that his agents around the world will reveal its identity in cyberspace.
This time Bond is faced with an enemy who has a brain intelligence, how Silva (Javier Bardhem) computerized master to be office MI6 hacked into a computer network. The figure success brings enemies Silva James Bond sadistic and genius.
Together with M, he was chasing Silva, who threatened to destroy the MI6. During these searches, Bond is shown many new facts about the boss. He went back to his childhood memory. The sixth actor to play James Bond's a lot to surprise in a movie that should be watched Skyfall James Bond enthusiasts.
In the film into the 23's James Bond, Daniel Craig shows maturity in acting. In the previous films, James Bond is identical as an agent of the mighty, with increasing age it does not look as tough as before, but it just makes the story more real.
Directed by Sam Mendes of course, very familiar with James Bond of characteristics. In the film he is also Skyfall eliminates typical 007 that such sophisticated devices, luxury cars and beautiful women who have always been by his side.
Filmed the estimated spending budget USD150 million, MI6 faced with a problem that threatens its integrity as a secret agent's office. They received threats that his agents around the world will reveal its identity in cyberspace.
This time Bond is faced with an enemy who has a brain intelligence, how Silva (Javier Bardhem) computerized master to be office MI6 hacked into a computer network. The figure success brings enemies Silva James Bond sadistic and genius.
Together with M, he was chasing Silva, who threatened to destroy the MI6. During these searches, Bond is shown many new facts about the boss. He went back to his childhood memory. The sixth actor to play James Bond's a lot to surprise in a movie that should be watched Skyfall James Bond enthusiasts.
Sinopsis:Film Skyfall bermula dari aksi James Bond dalam sebuah operasi rahasia di Istanbul, Turki ditemani agen cantik, Eve (Naomi Harris). Namun misi yang dijalankannya kali ini sangat menyulitkan dirinya, bahkan ia harus berjibaku dengan musuhnya. Ia pun gagal menyelesaikan misinya, ia diduga mati karena salah tembak oleh teman agennya.
Di film ke-23 James Bond ini, Daniel Craig menunjukkan kematangannya dalam berakting. Di film-film terdahulunya, James Bond yang identik sebagai seorang agen yang perkasa, dengan bertambah usia ia tidak terlihat setangguh dahulu namun hal tersebut justru membuat cerita lebih real.Sutradara Sam Mendes tentunya sangat paham dengan karakterikstik James Bond. Di film Skyfall ini pun ia tak menghilangkan ciri khas agen 007 itu seperti perangkat canggih, mobil mewah dan perempuan-perempuan cantik yang selalu berada disampingnya.
Difilm yang ditaksir menghabiskan budget USD150 juta itu, MI6 dihadapkan pada suatu masalah yang mengancam integritasnya sebagai kantor agen rahasia. Mereka mendapatkan ancaman bahwa para agennya di seluruh dunia akan diungkap identitasnya di dunia maya.
Kali ini Bond dihadapkan dengan seorang musuh yang memiliki kepintaran otak, bagaimana Silva (Javier Bardhem) menguasai komputerisasi hingga dapat meretas jaringan komputer kantor MI6. Sosok Silva sukses menghadirkan musuh James Bond yang sadis dan jenius.
Bersama dengan M, ia memburu Silva yang mengancam akan menghancurkan MI6. Selama pencarian tersebut, Bond banyak ditunjukkan fakta-fakta baru mengenai bosnya tersebut. Ia pun kembali mengenang masa kecilnya. Aktor keenam yang memerankan James Bond itu banyak memberikan kejutan di film Skyfall yang patut disaksikan para pencinta James Bond.
- Tanggal Rilis :1 November 2012 (Indonesia)
- Genre :Action | Adventure | Crime
- Pemeran:Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem and Naomie Harris
- IMDB Link :
- IMDB Rating :8.1/10
- TS;500MB; mkv
- Resolution :640×272
- Source : 007.SkyFall.2012.HDTS.XviD-iLG
- sharebeast : Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
- TS;500MB; mkv
- Resolution :640×272
- Source : 007.SkyFall.2012.HDTS.XviD-iLG
- zippyshare : Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
- TS;500MB; mkv
- Resolution :640×272
- Source : 007.SkyFall.2012.HDTS.XviD-iLG
- upgrand : Single Link