Sinopsis:Tim and Cheryl Broadbent are excited to finally adopt Mona, a beautiful baby girl. But when the baby’s biological father starts stalking them, their world turns upside down: through intimidation, manipulation, and violence, he is determined to take his daughter back.
Sinopsis: Tim dan Cheryl Broadbent yang bersemangat untuk akhirnya mengadopsi Mona, seorang bayi perempuan cantik. Tapi ketika ayah biologis bayi mulai mengintai mereka, dunia mereka ternyata terbalik: melalui intimidasi, manipulasi kekerasan, dan, ia bertekad untuk mengambil putrinya kembali.
- Tanggal Rilis :2012
- Genre : Drama | Thriller
- Pemeran:Sean Astin, Samaire Armstrong and Monet Mazur
- IMDB Link :
- IMDB Rating :4.2/10 from 170 users
- BRRip;575MB; mkv
- Resolution :1280×720
- Source :Adopting.Terror.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264-WOMBAT
- upgrand : Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
- BRRip;575MB; mkv
- Resolution :1280×720
- Source :Adopting.Terror.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264-WOMBAT
- sharebeast: Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
- BRRip;575MB; mkv
- Resolution :1280×720
- Source :Adopting.Terror.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264-WOMBAT
- upgrand : Single Link
- BRRip;575MB; mkv
- Resolution :1280×720
- Source :Adopting.Terror.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264-WOMBAT
- : Single Link