Warung Bebas

Sunday, 25 November 2012


Good morning
Honorable my teacher and my beloved friends. In this opportunity I would like to deliver a speech entitled “environmental damage in Indonesia.”
First of all let us deliver our biggest thanks to almighty God, because we can be gathered here through His blessing.
Ladies and gentlemen, as we know nowadays every human activities are affected by the amount of nature resources and energy in our country. Most industrial sector in Indonesia utilize the natural resources and energy to run their production. By the reason, natural reservation is very important to save our nature. Nature is a place for human and living things to live in. If we use them in irresponsible way, it would cause serious damage. The smash up we’ve made to our beloved nature is as same as self destruction to our selves. Why I said so? Because a country is connected to other country as well as the nature. That’s why every country on earth has the responsibility to protect our earth and prevent it from destruction.
The effects of the environmental damage are:
1.    Global warming: as we know we already felt it all over the world as well as in our country, Indonesia.
2.    Air temperature is increasing.
3.    Sea level is rising, and will submerge small islands and lands around the coast.
4.    Climate change and extreme weather which can be seen in many places around the world also in Indonesia.
Beside these four effects, earth and our environment have other threats as acid rain and natural disasters all over the country. These phenomenas must have a link to the environmental damage that occurs. If the causes of these damages are not handled well, it surely makes it getting worse and harmful to all living things on earth.
The largest contributor for this damage is pollution that is caused by coal combustion of big industrial factories.
Green house effect is the effect of the combustion and it is also caused global warming. The environmental damage can be reduced by putting garbage in the trash bin, reforestation, and keep our environment clean and safe. Go green or planting one tree each person could also reduce global warming. Remember, STOP GLOBAL WARMING.
Finally, this is the end of my speech. I hope it will be useful to all of us. I do apologize if there were any mistakes on my speech. Thank you for your kind attention. Have a nice day.

Kumpulan Pidato Bahasa Inggris "Peran Siswa di Era Modern dan Globalisasi
English Speech Contest
In the name of Allah the beneficent and the merciful

Praise is to Allah, the lord of the world, and the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto him. Further, there will be no hostility except against wrongdoers.
Blessing and salutation upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, his families, all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgment.

In this good chance, I would like to deliver my speech by title;

As we know well that globalization is an era marked by missing the territorial limit of nation. It enables the nation culture interferences. So that, politics, economy, culture of nation can influence, color and inspire of the other nations policies.

Globalization gives not only positive effects of the rapid science, information and technology development but also brings about many religion and culture principle divergences of the nation. Those become the cause of a drop in autonomy and identity of the nation.

Happy brothers and sisters!
Let’s pay attention more what happens in our surroundings at present! Free sex, pornography, alcoholic drink and drugs become youth customs in this country. Most of them always imitate what becomes “up to date” without filtering and thinking before. And they never make balance between thought and desire, planning and implementation and between ability and action. In addition, they do not preserve the Islamic laws because they think that religion is the symbol only whereas, youth is the generation next of this country. So how this country’s future is if most of them get a drop in their moral values?.

Consequently, we are the next generation of this country; we have to keep ourselves by faith, beliefs and piety in facing the globalization era. And we have to be aware of conserving the Islamic laws. Moreover we are the Islamic students have obligation to fight against the weakness of our beloved nation.
Moslem brothers and sisters!

We should not keep silent when we know the negative changes that happen in our society because of globalization era. As Islamic students we ought to become figures in anticipating the negative effects of this global era.
Allah state in the noble Quran; (Waltakum minkum ummatan yad’una ilal khoiri wa ya’muruna bil ma’rufi wa yanhauna ‘anil munkar, wa ulaaika humul muflihuun)

Meaning: let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining alma’ruf and forbidding almunkar and those who are the successful man.
Dear brothers and sisters!

The Islamic students with their moral forces and Islamic studies must be proactive to guide what is and what globalization era is for and the purpose of it. So that, let’s hope for the best. They become the public figures and they can color the social and cultural lives of their society in achieving the goal. That’s good Moslem is a good country.

Happy brothers and sisters!
As the generation next we should;take the positive effects of globalization era only, raise our taqwa and realize our religious doctrine in our daily lives, become good figures for the society in facing globalization, information and communication technology.

Kumpulan Pidato Bahasa penerjemah "Peran Siswa di Era Modern Dan Globalisasi
Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Dalam nama Allah yang dermawan dan murah hati

Pujian adalah bagi Allah, penguasa dunia, dan sekuel adalah bagi mereka yang bertakwa kepada-Nya mereka. Selanjutnya, tidak akan ada permusuhan kecuali terhadap orang yang zalim.
Berkat dan salam atas nabi yang paling terhormat dan Rasul, keluarga, semua murid-Nya, dan mereka yang mengikuti mereka dalam kebaikan sampai ada penghakiman.

Dalam kesempatan baik, saya ingin menyampaikan pidato saya dengan judul;

Seperti kita ketahui juga bahwa globalisasi adalah era yang ditandai dengan hilang batas teritorial bangsa. Ini memungkinkan gangguan bangsa budaya. Sehingga, politik, ekonomi, budaya bangsa dapat mempengaruhi, warna dan inspirasi dari kebijakan negara lain.

Globalisasi tidak hanya memberikan efek positif dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, informasi dan teknologi yang cepat tetapi juga membawa banyak tentang agama dan budaya divergensi prinsip bangsa. Mereka menjadi penyebab penurunan otonomi dan identitas bangsa.

Saudara-saudara senang!
Mari kita lebih memperhatikan apa yang terjadi di lingkungan kita saat ini! Seks bebas, pornografi, minuman beralkohol dan obat-obatan menjadi pemuda adat di negeri ini. Kebanyakan dari mereka selalu meniru apa yang menjadi "up to date" tanpa penyaringan dan berpikir sebelum. Dan mereka tidak pernah membuat keseimbangan antara pikiran dan keinginan, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan dan antara kemampuan dan tindakan. Selain itu, mereka tidak mempertahankan hukum Islam karena mereka berpikir bahwa agama adalah simbol hanya sementara, pemuda adalah generasi berikutnya dari negeri ini. Jadi bagaimana masa depan negeri ini adalah jika sebagian besar dari mereka mendapatkan penurunan nilai-nilai moral mereka?.

Akibatnya, kita adalah generasi penerus negeri ini, kita harus menjaga diri kita dengan iman, keyakinan dan kesalehan dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. Dan kita harus menyadari melestarikan hukum Islam. Selain itu kami adalah mahasiswa Islam memiliki kewajiban untuk melawan kelemahan bangsa kita tercinta.
Muslim saudara-saudara!

Kita tidak harus diam ketika kita tahu perubahan negatif yang terjadi dalam masyarakat kita karena era globalisasi. Sebagai siswa Islam kita harus menjadi tokoh dalam mengantisipasi dampak negatif dari era global.
Allah menyatakan dalam Al-Qur'an yang mulia, (Waltakum minkum ummatan yad'una ilal khoiri wa bil ya'muruna ma'rufi wa yanhauna 'anil munkar, wa ulaaika humul muflihuun)

Artinya: janganlah ada muncul dari Anda sekelompok orang untuk mengundang semua yang baik, memerintahkan alma'ruf dan melarang almunkar dan mereka yang adalah orang sukses.

Para mahasiswa Islam dengan kekuatan moral dan studi Islam harus proaktif untuk membimbing apa dan apa era globalisasi untuk dan tujuan itu. Sehingga, mari kita berharap untuk yang terbaik.Mereka menjadi tokoh masyarakat dan mereka dapat mewarnai kehidupan sosial dan budaya masyarakat mereka dalam mencapai tujuan. Bagus muslim adalah negara yang baik.

Saudara-saudara senang!
Sebagai generasi berikutnya kita harus; mengambil efek positif dari era globalisasi saja, meningkatkan taqwa kita dan menyadari ajaran agama kita dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, menjadi tokoh yang baik bagi masyarakat dalam menghadapi globalisasi teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi.


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