Bahan puding :
2 bungkus agar-agar putih
250 gram coklat blok, serut, tim sampai leleh
250 gram gula pasir
1 lt susu murni
500 cc double cream (bisa juga pakai Creamer cap kembang)
25 gram coklat bubuk, encerkan dengan sedikit air panas
Vanili secukupnya
Bahan saus:
800 cc susu murni
100 gram gula pasir
1 buah kuning telur
Vanili secukupnya
Cara membuat Puding :
~ Campur semua bahan menjadi satu (kecuali double cream)
~ Didihkan diatas api sedang sambil diaduk terus, sampai mendidih
~ Setelah mendidih, tuangkan double cream sambil adonan diaduk terus, aduk sampai rata, angakat dari api.
~ Dinginkan sebentar, jangan sampai beku, sampai uap hilang.
~ Tuangkan dalam cetakan puding besar, atau yang kecil-kecil, dinginkan.
Cara membuat saus :
~ Kocok lepas merah telur
~ Campur susu, gula dan vanili, didihkan dengan api sedang sambil diaduk
~ setelah mendidih, tuangkan dua sendok sayur susu ke dalam kocokan telur, campur rata, masukan adonan telur ke dalam susu yang mendidih, aduk-aduk sebentar diatas api.
~ angkat dari atas api, aduk terus Vla, sampai agak dingin, supaya Vla jangan pecah.
Material pudding:
2 packs of white gelatin
250 grams of chocolate blocks, shaved, team up to melting
250 grams of granulated sugar
1 liter of pure milk
500 cc double cream (you can also use flower stamp Creamer)
25 grams cocoa powder, dilute with a little hot water
vanilla to taste
Sauce Ingredients:
800 cc of pure milk
100 grams of granulated sugar
1 piece of egg yolk
vanilla to taste
How to make pudding:
~ Mix all ingredients together (except the double cream)
~ Bring to a boil over medium heat while stirring constantly, until boiling
~ After boiling, pour the double cream while stirring continues to batter, stirring until smooth, Pick up from the fire.
~ Cool briefly, lest frozen, until the steam is lost.
~ Pour in a pudding mold large, or small, cool.
How to make the sauce:
~ Shake off the red egg
~ Mix the milk, sugar and vanilla, bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring
~ After boiling, pour two tablespoons of vegetable milk into beaten egg, mix well, add the egg mixture into the boiling milk, stir briefly over the fire.
~ Remove from the heat, stirring constantly Vla, until quite cold, so Vla do not rupture.
2 packs of white gelatin
250 grams of chocolate blocks, shaved, team up to melting
250 grams of granulated sugar
1 liter of pure milk
500 cc double cream (you can also use flower stamp Creamer)
25 grams cocoa powder, dilute with a little hot water
vanilla to taste
Sauce Ingredients:
800 cc of pure milk
100 grams of granulated sugar
1 piece of egg yolk
vanilla to taste
How to make pudding:
~ Mix all ingredients together (except the double cream)
~ Bring to a boil over medium heat while stirring constantly, until boiling
~ After boiling, pour the double cream while stirring continues to batter, stirring until smooth, Pick up from the fire.
~ Cool briefly, lest frozen, until the steam is lost.
~ Pour in a pudding mold large, or small, cool.
How to make the sauce:
~ Shake off the red egg
~ Mix the milk, sugar and vanilla, bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring
~ After boiling, pour two tablespoons of vegetable milk into beaten egg, mix well, add the egg mixture into the boiling milk, stir briefly over the fire.
~ Remove from the heat, stirring constantly Vla, until quite cold, so Vla do not rupture.
I = 1,II = 2,III = 3,IV = 4,V = 5,VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10
XX = 20
XXX = 30
XL = 40
IL = 49
L = 50
LX = 60
LXX = 70
LXXX = 80
XC = 90
VC = 95
IC = 99
C = 100CD = 400
D = 500
DCL = 650
CM = 900
LM = 950
M = 1000
MCM = 1900
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10
XX = 20
XXX = 30
XL = 40
IL = 49
L = 50
LX = 60
LXX = 70
LXXX = 80
XC = 90
VC = 95
IC = 99
C = 100CD = 400
D = 500
DCL = 650
CM = 900
LM = 950
M = 1000
MCM = 1900
1L susu uht coklat
20gr cokelat bubuk
50 g dark cooking chocolate, potong kecil
1 bungkus (7 g) agar-agar bubuk putih/coklat
125gr gula pasir
1 kuning telur ayam, kocok
500ml susu uht putih
100gr gula
1 kuning telur ayam, kocok
1 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit susu cair
1 sdm rum
Cara membuat:
1. Rebus susu, cokelat, agar-agar dan gula pasir sambil aduk-aduk hingga cokelat larut dan susu panas.
2. Ambil 1 sendok sayur adonan agar-agar, aduk bersama kuning telur kocok.
3. Tuangkan kembali ke dalam adonan agar-agar. Masak hingga mendidih. Angkat. Aduk-aduk hingga uapnya hilang.
4. Tuang ke dalam cetakan puding. Biarkan hingga dingin dan mengeras.
5. Simpan dalam lemari es hingga dingin.
6. Potong-potong. Sajikan bersama Sausnya.
Cara membuat saus:
1. Rebus susu hingga mendidih.
2. Ambil sedikit susu, aduk dengan telur hingga rata.
3. Tuangkan kembali ke dalam susu. Aduk rata.
4. Tambahkan larutan maizena, aduk hingga kental, angkat.
5. Tambahkan rum jika suka.
1L uht milkchocolate
20gr cocoa powder
50 g dark cooking chocolate, cut into small pieces
1 package (7 g) of gelatin powder white / brown
Sugar 125gr sard
1 egg yolk, beaten
Uht milk 500mlwhite
100g sugar
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in a little liquid milk
1 tbsp rum
How to make:
1. Boil milk, chocolate, jelly and sugar while stir untilchocolate dissolves and hot milk.
2. Take 1 tablespoonvegetable gelatin mixture, stir in beaten egg yolks.
3. Pour back into the gelatin mixture. Cook until boiling. Lift. Stir until the steam is lost.
4. Pour into a puddingmold. Allow to cool and harden.
5. Store in the refrigerator until cold.
6. Cut into pieces. Serve with sauce.
How to make the sauce:
1. Boil the milkto the boil.
2. Take a little milk, stir the eggs until blended.
3. Pour back into the milk. Stir well.
4. Add cornstarchsolution, stirring until thick, remove from heat.
5. Add rumif you like.
1L uht milkchocolate
20gr cocoa powder
50 g dark cooking chocolate, cut into small pieces
1 package (7 g) of gelatin powder white / brown
Sugar 125gr sard
1 egg yolk, beaten
Uht milk 500mlwhite
100g sugar
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in a little liquid milk
1 tbsp rum
How to make:
1. Boil milk, chocolate, jelly and sugar while stir untilchocolate dissolves and hot milk.
2. Take 1 tablespoonvegetable gelatin mixture, stir in beaten egg yolks.
3. Pour back into the gelatin mixture. Cook until boiling. Lift. Stir until the steam is lost.
4. Pour into a puddingmold. Allow to cool and harden.
5. Store in the refrigerator until cold.
6. Cut into pieces. Serve with sauce.
How to make the sauce:
1. Boil the milkto the boil.
2. Take a little milk, stir the eggs until blended.
3. Pour back into the milk. Stir well.
4. Add cornstarchsolution, stirring until thick, remove from heat.
5. Add rumif you like.
safely enjoy